Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > feline rear leg cramp/contraction

feline rear leg cramp/contraction


QUESTION: Hello.  I am having trouble figuring out an odd cat problem.  My 3 year old cat has twice in the last month or two had a back left leg contraction for lack of a better word.  His leg contracts up under his hip and his tail curl a bit under him (not like a scared dog though)  He then falls/tips over and is quiet and peaceful & does not appear in pain.  He tries to get up but he cannot straighten/use his contracted leg so he tips over.  After about 1 minute or so it
subsides and he seems fine.  He  can walk normally and is himself.  He has been
on a course of prednisolone for itchy skin issues during this same time frame.  My vet has not heard of this
as a side effect.  I am visiting the vet tomorrow but I am on a small island and local resources are limited.   I am wondering if you have had any ideas. Thank you, I greatly appreciate any input!!  Christy

ANSWER: Hi Christy,

Is your cat an outdoor cat?  Could he have been hit by a car or had some other injury that caused damage to his spinal cord?  I can only imagine this is something neurological but its strange that it only happens occasionally and to the one leg.  I think your best bet is to see the vet tomorrow and see what he thinks.  Write me back and let me know what the vet says, I would be really interested in hearing what this turns out to be.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well, we have returned from the vet. This is an indoor cat. He had a pelvic xray and no real problems noted.  He is a bit slew footed (sp??) and this could cause some nerve pinching in his hip area. And some cupping at the hip joint. His spine looks normal.  No real conclusion.  If I find out more, I will post.  Thanks.  Christy

ANSWER: Hi Christy,

Thanks for the update.  I'm not sure what "slew footed" is, I'll have to look that up.  Keep me informed on what you find out and what is being done about it.  Did the vet put him on any medication, like steroids?  Keep me up to date.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello.  Slew (sp?) is like being duck footed or when your toes point outward in the shape of a V rather than straight forward.  This can put a different strain on the hip joint than legs/feet that point straight forward.  This could be pinching a nerve.  Both times this happened he had been sitting on a table with his paws/elbows up on a window sill which would put more weight on his hind/hip area than normal.   Maybe it is a s simple as his leg falling asleep??  Jimmy, my kitty, is on a second round of Prednisolone 5mg 1/day 7 days and then 1 every other day for 23 more days.  This is for his skin irritation but could help inflamation if he has any in his joints as well. Thanks for all the concern. Take care, Christy

Thanks for the info, Christy, I'm learning almost as much as I'm imparting.  Maybe the Pred will help, or maybe its just something he'll get every once in a while.  As long as its not affecting his quality of life its okay, its just a unique quirk that he has!