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My cat is pregnant and due anytime and went outside...


My cat is due any day now and she got out.  She is an outside cat and it has been very hard to keep her in.  Well she got out yesterday evening and hasn't been home since.  Which that is fine because she never comes back when you call her, she has to be ready to come back if you know what I mean.  My concern is, is that she is pregnant and I don't want her to have her babies outside.  Will she bring them to the house if she does have them or will she leave them where she has them?  I really don't know what to do.

There is absolutely no way I can tell you what she wioll do for certain. It is my hope that she will come in to have them but there is no way to know. If she comes back, please take my suggestion and cahnge her life and taht of the kittens. No cat should be an outside cat. It is a dangerous life and generally outside cats live under 5 years whereas a cat kept indoors at all times can easily live to be 18 years of age. Outside there are many diseases, parasites, and other dangers. Not to mention that since she is not fixed/spayed, she will likely become pregnant again and again resulting in numerous unwanted kittens who will live horrid and short lives. Please, if you retireve her, get her spayed immediately. Also, raise the kittens and have them spayed or neutered no later than 6 months of age. This is the only way you can stop the cycle of illness, pain and even death.