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For 10 weeks now, my two kittens and I have tried to be rid of their earmites. Daily I've carefully cleaned with Q-tips, put eardrops in,(used 3 different types), and had two different vets. clean their ears. Please help us solve this problem !!!!!!  Rose

You need to get some medication from your vet to kill ear mites.  Cleaning them will help, but you won't be able to get rid of all of them.  Revolution can kill ear mites and so does Acarexx or Tresaderm.  All of them require a prescription from your vet.  There are some treatments that you can buy over the counter, but I've never seen any of them work.  With ear mites you need to do the treatment for at least two weeks as the medicine does not kill the eggs, only the adults.  I'm assuming if they've been to the vet for this they did a mite check, but if not I would definitely have them do that as sometimes a bad ear infection can look like ear mites.
