Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > MY CAT IS SCARED


20 16:45:27

hi ive now had a cat for 7 years it is a female.
when we first got her she was lovely, friendly and playful but about 4 months after we got her she canged, she became scared of us and aggresive. i have a rabbit and a guinea pig and she always goes for them too.
is there something wrong with her?  Ive done my best over the years weve had her but she dosent seem to change. Is she good inside or is she just EVIL thank you

Hi Kirsty,

No cat is evil.  Has she been spayed?  If not, I would take care of that immediately.  Maybe she does not like the other pets in the house.  Is she an indoor cat or an outdoor cat, or both?  If she lives outdoors, there is very little chance to change her.  I would always keep her indoors.  Work with her daily, play with her, give her lots of love and attention.  If I can help further, please let me know.  I really need more information to go on.  Hugs,