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Pregnant young cat


My cat is only 5 and half months old.  She's a Siamese and Burmese cross born 7th January.  I planned to have her spaded but unfortunately she came into season a month ago and got out.  I took her for a check up at the PDSA and they confirmed she is pregnant however they will still spade her as she has 3-4 weeks till the kittens are due.  I am in despair as whether to let her have her first litter or go ahead with the operation which will result in her losing her litter.  My main worry is as she is so young( still losing her baby teeth) and small will she be able to cope with labor.  Will she abandon her kittens resulting in them dying?  I couldn't cope with that.  Yet I feel cruel if I prevent her from having her babies.  I am completely unexperienced when it comes to caring for a pregnant cat and hand rearing kittens, if she did neglect them.  Can you please advise me what you think is the most sensible and loving thing to do for her.
Thank you.

I know this is a hard choice to make but it may be the best option to terminate the pregnancy and have her spayed. I had to make this tough decision once myself, so I know how hard it is. My cat was just about the same young age as yours when I found her, stray, dirty, with fleas and pregnant. We chose to end the pregnancy because she was so young. It could endanger her to deliver and she could likely end up not being the best mother - just like with humans, too young a mother often doesn't have a clue what to do. And while you could learn to nurse and otherwise raise the kittens, it will take alot of dedication on your part, such as waking every two hours to bottle feed just for starters. So unfortunately I do think that ending the pregnancy would be what I would do in your shoes. In addition, when you have your cat spayed, please have her tested for various things; having been out and in contact with a stray male she could have been exposed to a number of parasites or diseases. Please be sure you ask your vet to test her for all possibilities so you can treat her right away if needed.