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cats throwing up


We have 3 house cats and 1 Chiuchiua. One of my cats will eat the dogs food as well as his cat food but recently has started throwing up. Can this be caused by the dog food or the weather change as he is shedding and is a very hairy cat? He is only 9-10 months old, is a very large cat (17lbs) with huge paws. The other 2 cats are doing fine.


I would recommend that you take the kitty to the vet and just make sure that the vomiting doesn't have a medical cause. As for the cat eating dog food you may want to feed the dog with supervised meals and not allow the cat access. The problem with cats eating dog food is that they are obligate carnivores and dog food simply doesn't have the right nutritional balance and lacks a significant amount of protein that cats need. As for the vomiting it can be caused by any number of issues ranging from a fur ball to serious health problems which need to be diagnosed and treated by a vet. Hopefully this information helps, if you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.