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Cat and kittens.


We have a mommy cat who had 3 kittens of her own and she adopted 2. One of the adopted was very sick. We dropped her off at an animal hospital. Problem now, the mommy cat is not well and one of her kittens sounds sick with breathing problems, runny nose and gunk in the inside corner of his eyes. The mommy cat has 2 open sores on her lips, not bleeding, no puss coming out, just open sores and a black dot coming out underneath her nose, near her whiskers.  And, another kitten has skin missing near his whiskers and a bald circular patch on his ear. I've never had these problems with any previous litter. What's going on?

Hi Gean,

The little one that you adopted has infected the rest. You need to get them to a vet. The little one could have given them any of many cat diseases. Your vet will be able to identify what they have and give you medicine for them. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen