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tough vs. gentle


i have two cats of 4, almost 5 in November, and they fight a lot. mostly its the boy, Jake, biting and clawing and chasing blossom, my gentle little fatty. she fights back a lot, but some how he always harms her. so far, in fights with jake, blossom has gotten at least 6 "boo-boo's" and has gotten fur pulled out of her shoulder or upper-back area. i ussually cuddle with her a lot more than jake, but he likes to be scratched and i let him be when he doesn't want to be scratched most of the time. what confusses me is that he gets almost all of my sisters attention, while blossom gets the littlest bit of attention from her, so why is acting like she gets everyone's attention, all the time? is he that jealouse that i call her stuff like princess and baby-girl and other names, while he is jake-bake, the little man, my little man, and so on?

Hi Katie,

They sound like very sweet kitties, I love your descriptions :)

Is Jake fixed? If not, I would suggest this could be part of the problem as male cats can be aggressive when they're not neutered. It sounds like Jake is trying to be 'top cat', and he's acting out against his competition.

What you should try is playing with him and Blossom together using a feather or wand toy for about 20 mins a day, this way he'll take out his aggression on the toys and he'll learn to play with Blossom, rather than try to hurt her.

Good luck, I hope this helps.