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Do cats poop on each other when they fight?


I have a tom cat who had just turned 1 year old. We have noticed that whenever he fights with any other cat, he comes home full of poop and pee and we need to give him a bath. The funny part is I think it is his own Poop. Is this normal behaviour? Is any solution to this?



As far as I know, this is not unusual behavior. However, when cats are very, very frightened, they will tend to poop and pee. That they get it all over themselves is not too surprising given the intensity of cat fights.  This behavior can go along with the fright/fight response.

Is he neutered?  If not, it might be a good idea to have him neutered. They tend to have fewer confrontations that way.  Also, if he is kept inside, this will no longer be a problem!!!!!!!!

Best regards... Norm.