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Cat is acting funny.


Hello, I have a question for you.. I am getting a little concerned about my cat. I have a 2 year old male cat named Blue. He is a very active cat that is usually into everything.. He follows me everywhere and sleeps with me at night. For the past couple of days he has been acting weird.
Very stand offish not following me around, and sleeping in one spot and not moving. I have not seen him eat or drink anything. His nose has been dry. Could something be wrong? Should I take him to the Vet or is it a cold? Do cats get colds. I just don't know what to do.. Help

HI Ashley,

I would take him to the vet right away. Any sudden change in behavior could be a sign of illness. Not eating for a couple of days is VERY dangerous for cats - please take him to the emergency vet if yours is not open now.

Yes cats can get colds (but not from humans) as well as other viruses - other problems such as having ingested poison could also cause sudden lethargy.

You do know about the food recall for canned and pouch foods right? I would be very cautious about feeding any cat food made by Menu Foods at this time, they are being recalled due to severe kidney damage from rat poison found in an ingredient. For more information go to:

Good luck I hope your kitty is better soon!