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cat had babys


hi my cat gave birth to 4 kittens last night all went well she fed with them during the night and didnt move but ive noticed that one, she keeps taking under my bed and leaving the other 3 is this normal or is she trying to find a new nest nursery etc for them


This is not normal and I would try to confine her so she cannot get the kittens under the bed.  If she is always moving the same kitten, there may be a problem with it.  You will just have to keep your eye on it.  It is not good for the mama to keep moving the kittens.  She should be in an area where it is warm, draft free.  There should be no other pets or young children that have access to her nursery.  She should feel safe in her nursery so that she only has to pay attention to the kittens.

Best regards... Norm.