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Restless neutered male cat vanishes


My 7 year old male cat (an Abyssinian) has been an indoor cat all his life.  I adopted him 9 months ago.  I got into the routine my cats always observe : they go out under constant supervision for about 1 hour a day.  That worked fine with my Siamese cats and a tabby adopted as a stray for 18 years. My new cat adapted quite well.  First with a leash, then following me around as a dog does (no cars or wild animals nearby).   However recently he has become more and more restless when indoors: digging holes in carpets in from of door or windows, and making himself pet-doors in insect screens if I am not watching.  All has been "controlled" until last labor day week-end when I accidentally fell asleep with window open (insect screen closed) only to wake up at 4 am with cat missing... and insect screen door had been pushed open... by him I assume (nothing stolen, his brother still in the house).  I cannot find the cat, the neighborhood is a maze of 90% green: trees bushes and large gardens.  Posted ads: posters, newspaper, sending individual mailing to all neighborhood houses with postcard-picture (using addresses collected on!).  Of course no result with shelters either.  Will also work on the vet. angle more....nothing on the roads.  I keep putting food outside (of course it gets eaten?!).
Question 1 :  his restless behavior was quite strange and very different from his "brother" adopted at the same time, both are neutered males.  Do you have any comment?
Question 2: any other suggestion for search?
Thanks very much.


I'm so sorry about your cat. That is heartbreaking and frustrating to be missing a cat.

It sounds like you have done what you could do to find him. An ad in the window of the nearest grocery store is about all that's left.

Call for him at night when things are quiet and you can hear him meow. It's been documented that cats do not go any farther than 1/4 mile away when they are lost.

Is it possible someone from out of the area picked him up thinking that he was a stray? Or maybe someone has him in their house? Unfortunately, if you have coyotes in the area that is not good because cat is their favorite food.

Each cat has a different personality, even brothers. And brothers can be from different fathers in the same litter which would also make the actions and personalities different.

I hope that your cat is just scared and is hiding and will be back soon. Please let me know.
