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broken pelvis


my cat was run over yesturday and has been in my vets for nearly 48 hours now.he was a fractured pelvis.the bone of the pelvis is laying on the vet says that baloo my cat has nerve damage and the best option for him is to put him to sleep tomorrow. im questioning this as two of my friends are vets with different surgery's and say it is too early to tell if he has nerve u think he has a chance? im going to try and refer him to another vet tomorrow and get a second opinion as he is only 2,a fit and healthy male otherwise.please help


Although I'm not a veterinarian and I don't know anything beyond the history that you've provided if other vets you've consulted say it's too early to tell how your kitty's going to do I'd recommend giving him a chance. Even if he has permanent paralysis in the back legs you have the option of getting him a kitty wheelchair and helping him to urinate whenever necessary. Ultimately the decision of whether to give this little guy a chance is up to you, he's young and healthy so he's essentially got everything going for him. If you have any further cat related questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me again and I will do my absolute best to help you wherever possible.