Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > my kitten wont eat...its four weeks old

my kitten wont eat...its four weeks old


what do i do about my kitten? it wont eat i tried giving it canned food and kitten replacement milk...i put the milk in a bowl and it wont drink it...i even put it in a bottle and it still wont drink it....and i wont eat the canned food. what do i do?

does this mean that it is no longer with its mother?

if so then it has not learnt how to eat solid food yet.

You will have to become its mother and spoon feed very small bits of food either on a spoon or on the end of your finger until they get the hang of it.
Also warm cat milk (not cows milk as this will give them diarrhea) and offer it to them with a pipet or babies bottle.

if he still will not eat you must take him to the vets as there could be something physically wrong with him. A kitten can not last very long without nourishment.

best wishes Kate and I hope your kitten eats soon