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stray cat fleas


hello, just yesterday my gf and i picked up a stray cat he was in out suv most of the day and was in my room from 630 pm tomidnight so about 6 hours until i discovered he had fleas (by brushing him with a flea comb) i dont think he had ALLOt of them b/c i didnt find them until combing him, i got red of the cat sprayed lysol everywere got read of my bedding and the dog bed,as well as bagging the clothes i was wearing the next day (today i vacumed the whole room and sprayed more lysol and flea repellent (the petstore person swore by it)on the bed and floor corners, almost everywere. im sorry for the poor grammar. my question is how badly do i need to worry about this we have 2 cats and a dog allready and i dont want fleas in the house at all.

i think the bet thing I can do is to refer you to my web pages about getting rid of fleas on your pets and your home. the pages will give you a better idea of how they live and survive and how best to eradicate them for good.

Also make sure all your pets are protected against fleas so that they cannot live and breed on them as well as treating the home. It sounds like you are on top of the situation though.

here is the first page about fleas, if you read through the pages it will give you an over all picture of the little pest and knowledge is power. ;)


best wishes kate