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newborn kitten/mother questions


Hi there!  I'm glad I found this website.  I have a couple questions.  My current cat Annabell is the only female cat I've ever owned. Just two days ago she birthed a litter of 5 kittens.  Anna has been acting somewhat strange since then..kind of clingy and meowy towards this a sign that she's just needing a little break from nursing?  I doubt she'd abandon nursing them and I'm curious if there's a chance of that.  Also is there a way to know if your mother cat is providing enough milk?  She had one kitten about a year ago but it died about a week after it was born.  I don't think it was eating but I don't know if that was due to her still being very young or just not producing enough milk.  Last do I know if the mother cat wants help with nursing?  Sorry if this is wordy but I'm really wanting to know the answers to these questions.  Thanks for your time!

Hi Andy,

I hope I can help you. Feed her a good quality kitten food. She needs extra nutrition for feeding her kittens. The kittens should double in weight the first week. If they don't get some KMR or write back to me for the kitty glop formula. You can supplement her feedings with either one.  Cats sometimes will abandon their young if it is their first litter. I wouldn't worry about this. Sounds like she just needs the break from the kittens. Good luck with the little ones.

Ciao, Karen