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Scratching Behaviour

20 16:44:58

Hi there!  My question is in regards to a perplexing behaviour that my Himalayan is exhibiting.  He is almost 4 years old and I adopted him at 18 months old.  His habit ever since I got him is to scratch the insides of his litter box instead of the litter to bury his business.  I have tried different types of litter, and have changed his box from a dome style to an open and larger one.  It does not make any difference.  I change the litter regularly and often as well.  The constant scratching is irritating to me and I am afraid he will damage his nails.  If you have any ideas on how I can prevent him from doing this obsessive/compulsive behaviour, I would be very grateful.

Hi Kitty,

There is nothing wrong with his behavior, it will not hurt his nails.  But, if it is irritating you, just get a spray bottle filled with plain water, and when he starts scratching compulsively, just spray him with it.  He will stop, and eventually get the idea that it is not acceptable.  Water bottles are a godsend as far as a teaching tool.  Good luck, and let me know if I can help again.  Hugs, Barb