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sadness lack of motion


my fleur is 9 yrs. old. last year we lost her 2 siblings-fobo was 8 and punim 5. can she be sad now? she just lays in dark spots with her little neck stretched out all curled up paws. she went to the vet a couple of months ago and she's ok. we 're planning to get a baby boy for her to play with. what is she going through? she meows alot first thing in the am then quiets completely.


Usually cats get over grieving in a few weeks, so I am not sure that this is the problem.  It may just be that she has no one to play with and is feeling very, very lonely.

I would try a new kitten and see how that works.  You must introduce the new kitten properly.  There are no guarantees she will take to the kitten, but most adult cats are much more tolerant of kittens than other adults.  Often a new kitten can totally revive an adult who has become a bit lackadaisical.

If you are not sure of the proper way to introduce a kitten, please follow up and I will give you a tried and true protocol.

One caution is that kittens of age 3 to 5 months old often do best.  The kitten should be weaned and have had its shots.

Best regards... Norm.