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My cat still hasnt had her babies


QUESTION: My cat Mia is looking ready to have her babies..she lost her mucuos plug (or part of it)4 days ago. about 3 days before that, my son pointed out there was a puddle of dark liquid on the ground..I still don't know what that was...
she got pregnant right after her first litter turned eight weeks..sometime around April 8ish.. she is eating and her behavoir is the same just very cuddley for the past 2 weeks..she has been a little over pretective of her behind towards the other cats...(one is her kitten from the her first litter)..I'm wondering if she is going to have them soon or if I should bring her to the vet cause she lost some of her plug? what should i do from now till than?

ANSWER: Hi Kirsten, I wouldn't be too worried except for that puddle of dark liquid she passed. If it was her waters breaking then I would be concerned. Since she is eating I would give her one more day only and then if there are no kittens you will need to get her to the vet for sure! Also you might want to check with your vet about getting her spayed. If you have kittens with her she will get pregnant again right away if you are not careful. You will need to keep her inside and isolated from the other cats once she has this litter. A cat that gets pregnant litter after litter can get ill and you may even end up losing her so please make arrangements to spay her asap after this litter.

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QUESTION: the puddle happened over a week ago and I can still feel the kittens moving. it was brownish like wasn't alot about a as round as the bottom of a standard coffee cup.what does the water look like? and what should i do?
ANSWER: Hi Kirsten, well that liquid does sound like blood or her water breaking. It appears that it may have just affected one kitten as the kittens are still moving and she is behaving like she is fine. I would recommend you take her to the vet today or tomorrow for a check up. If a kitten has died inside of her she can end up with a uterine infection which is serious. If she was in labour right now then I would not be too worried as her uterus will be emptying out any problem. But since you are not sure when she would come into labour I think you better get her checked before it gets too serious.


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QUESTION: how can I tell if she's in labour? what can I watch for so I would know if she's having them soon?

Hi Kirsten, She would be walking around and restless and would  pose as if she is going to have a bowel movement when the contractions come. You should be able to see the contractions on her side, or at least feel them! She will be passing some vaginal discharge if she is in labour.