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cats bloated and noisy (gas) tummy


QUESTION: What can you do to help an old kitty get rid of all that gas (apart from sticking a pin in her!!!)
Anything natural? She was for 20 days on antibiotics for an infection so more of that, maybe no.
What are the reasons apart from eating too fast, new food, and milk?

it could be that something in your cats diet is causing some tummy trouble. You should not be giving your cat milk for instance as cats are intolerant to lactose in milk and causes diarrhea and thus the tummy rumbles (my cat used to get that).

You will have to try removing things from your cats diet one at a time with a week in between to see if the symptoms subside. If nothing works then the best solution is for the vet to check them out to rule out any physical illness


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the reply. In the meantime, is there any particular food that would get her unblocked? I would like to try and keep her away from more drugs as I think what she already took got her system in trouble.
We saw 2 other vets, before going to the spca, who, right away suggested to pull all her teeth out. Couacs!!! The lady at spca confirmed that there was no need for that.
So, again, thanks for the service that help our pets not suffer more than they already need to.

Are you saying that your cat is constipated? If so see this page on my website for some advice /cat-constipation.html

I'm so glad you went to several vets for advice, you do have to be so careful that some vets are not making bad recommdations just for money.
