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Kittens sneezing & injured toe?


I recently purchased to kittens from my local humane society. A few days after I got them home one of them started acting kind of lethargic. I took him to the vet where they did some tests and told me it was just a bacterial infection and gave him some antibiotics (amoxicillian). While he started to feel better he still sneezes a lot. Now his brother is starting to sneeze and isn't very active. Should I take him to the vet too? It's starting to add up and would welcome any suggestions. Also, as I was leaving my bedroom one of the kittens (who are bother about 12 weeks) got his toe caught in the door. There was a little blood but not much and it looks maybe a little "out of place" for lack of a better term. Any ideas on that one either? Anything you could tell me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for your time.

Kittens are much more expensive than older cats.  They have very little immunity and they get into trouble all the time!  A change in environment often causes an upper respiratory infection.  Because kittens have little body weight they quickly go downhill.  If they start to feel bony they are near dying and need immediate attention.  As for the toe, it could be broken or dislocated.  If this isn't dealt with it could lead to a lifetime of joint pain and deformity, so it does need to get looked at.

It's always good to become good friends with someone who runs a small, local rescue, because they will often get you medicine at low-cost ;).