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Our Cat


We have an indoor 5 year old male who gets rashes on his tail. Recently it has spread to the stomach and hind legs. Any thoughts?

Hi John,

Definitely go and see a vet about this - it's not normal and sounds like a cause for concern.  Cats can suffer from a range of skin infections, the most common being allergies to flea bites.  Even if he is indoors, he may have picked up fleas from a trip to the vet or through a visitor bringing flea eggs into the house on their clothes or shoes, and if this is the case, he needs proper veterinary treatment for both the rash and the flea infestation.  Another possibility is that he is overgrooming for some reason, which could be linked to stress or to pain.  It's very difficult to say without seeing the rash, but I can tell you that this is very unlikely to clear up without diagnosis or treatment from a vet.

Best of luck with this.
Take care