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my cat hasn't been eating or drinking. He is very old. 16 years. I'm thinking its just old age. He doesn't want to make the effort to go to his litter box. All he does is lay around in my basement and sleep or just lay down. He is very old. He doesn't even come when I call him any more.
Is there anything I can do to help him?

If it was my cat, I would take him to the vet to see why he isn't eating or drinking. That definately is not normal in itself. It doesn't sound like he has a very good quality of life at this time.
You should take him to the vet, see if there is anything that can be done to improve his health and quality of living. To a cat, a quality life would be enjoying affection, eating and drinking, being able to walk and get around w/o pain.. Have a talk with your vet about your concerns