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Excessive Drinking


We have noticed that our mixed breed 12yr old cat has started drinking excessively, we give him a special cat formula milk and he is drinking that more than usual, but he also tried at one time to get into the toilet bowl to access water, we now but a water bowl out for him which he goes to and drinks often also.

Otherwise he seems fine and is eating his normal food, although my wife does say he appears to have lost some weight?

the symptoms your cat is showing could be caused by a couple of things ie heart failure, diabetes or a thyroid condition.  you need to take your cat to see a vet as soon as possible for some tests to determine the exact cause.

My cat had the same symptoms and it turned out to be problems with her thyroid. luckily we caught it early and treatment was successful. This page on my site gives more details are of this condition here


please do not leave it too long before you visit the vets, if a cat loses too much weight they can start to loss muscle too and this can lead to broken bones etc.

best wishes Kate