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needy cat


Our persian (mixed) was spaded aprox. one week ago and its been hell ever since. She ranges to meawing alot, fussy about her food,pawing when I hold her,seems to want constant attention. Is this just being spoiled or can we expect her to come out of this.What can I do? Thanks  Janet

well every cat i have ever had once home from an operation as always been a little more needy for a week or so. i think they are just feeling a little sorry for themselves and perhaps a little scared and uncomfortable (as we all may be) and is seeking reassurance and comfort more than usual.
I would think that as time goes on she will return to her usual self, i wouldn't worry too much. Just make sure she continues to eat, drink and use the litter tray to make sure that she is healthy. If not then take her back to the vets in case she has an infection etc.

I hope everything settles down again soon for you all
best wishes