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signs and how long


what  are  some  signs  that  a  cat  is  pregnant,  and  how  long   are  they  pregnant  for?  please  get  back  to  me  soon.


Cats do not ovulate until they are bred.  So, about 17-21 days after breeding (we begin counting on the second day of breeding), the female's nipples should get pink and begin to protrude. This phenomenon lasts only a few days, so you just have to keep checking because at about day 22-24 the nipples are back to normal.  For a few weeks afterwards, there will be no more obvious signs.  Long about weeks 6 or 7 she should begin gaining weight and pouching out on the sides.  

Cat gestation is 65-67 days after breeding. 63 days would be a normal minimum and 68 days is the maximum you should wait before seeing your vet.

If it turns out she is pregnant, get back to me and I will give you some guidelines for the week or so leading up to birth.

Best regards... Norm.