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Jackson & Lexie

I recently got my first two kittens and they are now 12 weeks old. My concern is that they are brother & sister and I am beginning to worry about them starting to "interact" before they have been spayed and neutered. What age will they be when their sexual senses begin to kick in? What is the earliest age that I can get them fixed that will be both safe for them and help ensure I don't end up with a pregnant kitty? Do male & female kittens have different ages that are best for them to be fixed?

Also, if they should be fixed at the same age would you recommend taking them to the vet on the same day or leaving a few days/weeks between their surgeries? I am not sure if it would be better to have them both healing at the same time or one at a time.

Any insight that you can give me would be really appreciated!!

Thanks for your time,

~ Katie

Hi Katie,

You can get them neutered as early as 4 months old. Cats can become sexually active at anytime from 4 months and on. I would take both at the same time. It will cause less problems. Sometimes if you take one to the vet and not the other problems arise from the smells on the one that was at the vet. Also they will both be convalescing at the same time so one won't be active and the other not. Hoped this helped. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen