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Kitty problems


Hi.  I have a kitty kat - probably about 7 months old are so.  I have what I think is a big problem with him.  I really want him to be able to have access to my room (It's a one bedroom place) and to have him sleep in my room.  I have a lot of wires, cable, and a $2,000 TV in my room.  When I let him in, he likes to go behind the TV and play with wires and mess with computer wires.  This makes me real real nervous.  Even sometimes under my bed he likes to scratch and chew hanging strings from the bottom mattress.  A lot of times when I am in my room I have to close the door and leave him in the living room.  Now here is the kicker:  A lot of times when I close the door he cries and scratches the door/wall because he wants to come in so bad.  This is messing up my wall.  And if I let him in my room, he starts playing with wires and even sometimes the expensive TV. I don't want to declaw him and that won't solve the problem of him not behaving in my bedroom.  I have tried spraying him with water when he plays with stuff in my bedroom but he either ignores it or I have a hard time reaching him with the bottle.  It just doesn't work.  I have also tried to create loud noises; but that doesn't do much.  

Another problem that is related is that every morning about 1 to 4 hours before I have to wake up, he wakes me up by crying and doing his wall scratching.  I hate that!! (And by the way he has two scratching posts he uses.  He scracthes the wall/door because he wants to come in).

I really need some good suggestions.  This is really a problem.  Thanks.  

first of all you can stop the early morning crying and wall scratching by letting him in with you at night.

buy some cable tie up things and tie up all your cables into bundles behind the tv. then if possible, stack things around the tv to make it more difficult for him to get back there. the more fuss you make about him getting back there the more he will want to do it. buy him toys...lots of toys!! he obviously likes strings and things, so buy some yarn and tie some to your bedroom door knob, on the inside and outside of it. there are cat toys on strings, get him some of those even. lots of cat toys is a good thing. it might just keep him out of the things you dont want him in.
declawing is a BAD idea altogether. dont do it.
about his playing under your bed, it wont hurt the mattress/box springs and as long as the bed doesnt fall on him it wont hurt him. he will soon grow bored with it.on days when you are home all day, everytime you see him asleep, wake him up, if you can change his sleep schedule he will sleep all night and be up all day instead of vice-versa.