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Compatible cats


I had 2 cats Romeo, 8 and Taj, 9 both fixed males.  Romeo just up and died, probably a heart attack.  Could I get another kitten, or cat for Taj to play with & how would I get them acquainted?


I'm sorry about the loss of Romeo.

It really doesn't matter if it is male or female, it depends on the personality of the cat you are getting but older cats do not usually like young cats. It's best to replace a cat with a cat about the same age and temperment. Your cat is approx. 52 years old in human years. Older cats do not take stress well, and your cat may be grieving and may not want another cat around, but you know your cat's personality more than I would. Sometimes it good to get another cat and sometimes not.

I am including 2 links that you may find helpful about older cats and getting a new cat: (copy and paste the whole link into your address bar)

Here is a link to information on cat grief:

And here is a link for you that is a beautiful and wonderful website for the people who have lost a beloved pet:
