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lost cat and more


i have a couple of questions:
1-when my cat an away because sb scared her, i saw her again and ran away when i approched her like if she saw a monster though i used to treat her like kings!
2-usually cats lick thier rectum area to clean it; doesn't it cause a sickness(disease)to her?

Hi Yazan,

I am so sorry to hear about your missing cat!  Yes, when cats get "lost", they don't think like your cat normally would and runs away!  They are terrified, but not of YOU - just being "lost" and out in a world they didn't know before.  Your best bet is to keep food and water out every night for her and to get a trap.  Once you have trapped her and she is safely back in your house, she will get back her safety zone and begin to act like "your" cat again!

2 - I'm sorry I don't know the answer to this one, though I do know if a cat has flea's, this is where they can get worms... These will look like tiny rice coming out the back-end and should be treated by your vet immediately.

Please let me know if you need any more help with trapping your lost one ok?  And, thanks for asking AllExperts
