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kitten behavior in new environment


I recently took in a 3-4 month old kitten that was living in an enclosed outdoor area. She has had minimal contact with humans before. She hid for a long time and recently has improved very much. I think she is having a hard time understanding the relationship. If that makes sense. She improved greatly became much more comfortable. However, all of a sudden, she back tracked, going back to the exact hiding spot when she first got here. She seems to be acting like she did when she first got to my home, seeming very scared of me almost. There is another kitten here, and they have become the best of friends. My question is whether i did something to scare her or not, which i have no idea. What do I do now that she has completely back tracked. I know it will take time for trust. But I guess I'm confused on how to handle the situation. I want her to love me, like our other kitten does, he is the best pet ever. The relationship is quite amazing. Any suggestions?

Hi Jessica,

A semi feral cat takes a little time and patience to win them over. Something spooked her to cause the set back. The good news is it won't take as long for her to get back to where she was before. The best thing you can do is feed her special treats. Get some roasted chicken from the store. This works great. Go near the hiding spot and talk gently. Toss the chicken by her hiding spot. See if she comes out. If she doesn't then leave the room. Do this at least once a day. When she starts to come out when you are there start dropping the chicken closer to you. Before you know it she will be taking it right from you.

Make sure she is used to your touch, (petting while feeding), before you try to pick her up. If she struggles at all, immediately let her go. You want her to feel safe and comfortable with you. I can't say how she will turn out affection wise. I have a few here who are total mushes and I have others who are a bit stand offish. I have one that took me two years before she would let me touch her. Now she sleeps curled up next to me in bed. Can't pick her up though. The food is usually the key. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen