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a kittin died cat is strange now.


Our cat recently had a litter of 6 kittens. However I discovered today day that one has died. It was a runt and we tried to feed it by hand but he just was not feeling it.Now our cat is acting a little strange. she keeps going into the closet where I found the kitten, and she dosent want to go into the kennel that all of her other one are at. This did just recently happen I assume that the kitten died last night.My question is will our cat return to normal and start to feed her other kittens?

Hi Nick, This is not common behaviour but it is not unheard of either. Most mom's don't even notice a kitten is missing especially when she had such a large litter. But obviously yours did. She will return to taking care of the rest of the litter and has probably done that by the time you get this email. The only other reason I can think of that she is restless is that there is something going on with the litter and she is aware of a change in them. What did this kitten die of? Do you think there might be a virus going through the litter? If there is a prevalent health problem she will not be wanting to settle down and take care of them.
I hope this helps somewhat?