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irratated rash on pet cat


Hello, my cat Mingus has developed a nasty rash and sores on her skin, mainly on her head. She scratches at them and makes them worse, they really do look sore. I bathe them in salt water regularly and recently began to clear, but they have started to worsen. When I was cleaning them the other  day I also checked her gums and they are very pale. I am worried now, as I am only 15 and my dad doesn't see that she needs to see a vet, please give me some kind of diagnosis to make him see sense, thanks, Rachel.


I can`t really offer any diagnosis, I`m not a veterinarian. It sounds like your cat may have some sort of skin condition that`s probably quite itchy. I am most concerned about the pale gums you`ve described, pale gums are a serious indication that something`s very wrong. Anemia is a likely cause of pale gums and the cause of the anemia needs to be found immediately or the cat will likely die. If you are concerned about the cost of the vet care I would recommend that you do some research on the Blue Cross animal hospitals located throughout the UK.