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bengal cat;


I have a bengal I rescued from a cattery. I honestly do not think she was EVER held or talked to. We've had her for 7 yrs. and she is still scared of almost everything. She is not affectionate except on her terms (like when we're sleeping, she'll come and lay against us, JUST out of reach). She loves being petted, but only once have I held her. She's VERY active, fetching is her fav. When guests come into the house, she hides until they're gone. We'd love to have a small dog, but are afraid she'd stay hidden for the rest of her life. She also has a very sensitive stomach and only can tolerate 'sensitive' cat foods. Yes, she is very smart and very vocal. My husband threatens to throw her outside at night. She hates the outside, we take her out when we're not doing anything outside and she does fine as long as she sees us. We always feel so bad for her because she is so scared, we have tried everything. I'm also sure it's because we're spoiled her so much. Very few of our guests have ever even seen her. When we go on vacation our neighbors come over to feed/water her and NEVER see her. When she hears the key, she's gone! Her fav hiding place is in the basement where she can get up between the floors.
I had another bengal (male) that we'd gotten as a kitten, he started spaying at 3 mos. and never stopped. We tried pills, diapers, nothing worked. He was an F1, and you couldn't look him eye to eye or he'd attack. It was the hardest thing we ever did, to get rid of him. He was so beautiful. This one is very different, very small, where he was sleek and long, this one is short. This one's fur is not as fine or golden as the male was. But she does have the gold on the edges. This one was a breeder, but lost her first 2 batches, so they couldn't use her anymore.

Wow Sarah,  Sounds like a few cats that I have known.  Many folks never see them much because they hide until everyone is sleeping.  I sure do appreciate all the info.
What was the question?  Is it that you want to get a dog?  Were you needing to try a new food for her belly problems?

Let me know what you wanted from me?  Have you tried any herbs for her anxiety?

Talk to you soon

Marie Peppers LPN MA