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new kitten with aloof cat?


We got married 2 months ago. At that time I moved in full time w/my husband and kitty. She is a 4-5 yr old tortie, that I gave him about 3 years ago- she needed a home when her first mom got sick. She came declawed, spayed and indoor. She has never really taken to me... and is limited with the affection she shows my husband and step daughter (who is home from college only weekends). She seems to prefer Ashley the most... but the extent of her favor is that she will sit in their laps - and then only if it was her idea. She is not a cuddler, doesnt play with toys, never acknowledges us unless she wants to - she acts deaf! The most I have seen her do is lie down "just" out of reach and wait for us to reach out to pat her. She will then sort of crawl along the floor on her side, waiting for us to follow and pet her.

I want a kitten. I know all about the intro phase, etc but I am wondering if this cat's personality is a bad fit for another cat. Please tell me it can be


Torties/calicos are notorious for being one-person cats.
They can be/are aloof, independant, territorial, and usually have permanent PMS!

They are also the best mousers and hunters. You should get her little furry toy mice to throw, and play games with her where she can 'hunt'. The 'hand under the blanket' is always a good one. Also give her a raw beef rib occasionally as a treat. They love to tear into it and the fibers in the meat cleans their teeth. That would help her be friendlier towards you. Food is always a good bribe!

Mine are like yours. One of the calicos will be SO loving...for a few minutes but SHE picks those few minutes!

It is iffy about a kitten. It will depend alot on your cat's personality regarding other cats.

With mine, the regular calico was a great mom, but as soon as the 'babies' grew up she would hiss, slap and growl at them. She still does it and they are 3 years old! She does not like other cats. She will slap and growl at any of the other 'family cats' if they too close but not actually fight.
My tortie will fight any stray cat (or dog) that crosses the property line. She is loving with her 'home-cats' but no strangers.

You can try a kitten on a temporary basis and see her reaction. I personally would get another tortie/calico kitten if I were to get one because of the similar traits. She could surprise you and 'mother' a kitten. Or she could be really mean to it (which wouldn't be fair to a kitten). It depends on how territorial she is about her home and her 'person'.

I hope this helped. If you DO get a kitten, let me know how it goes.
