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Senior cat matted fur and weight loss



My cat is about 15 years old, and this year, she started to get matted fur, on her back, near the tail. She's a short haired cat. She's an indoor cat and only goes out during summer. Before, she was a bit fat (around 14 lbs) and when we moved, she lost some weight. However, now, she is really thin (since 3-4 months). After we noticed the matted fur, we cut it off, but it became matted again. She eats dry food and a bit of canned food. What should I do?

Hi Catherine,

You should have your cat checked by the vet. Matted fur is usually the result of too much dirt or oil. This can occur if the cat isn't grooming herself well or if the glands are producing too much oil. With conditions like hyperthyroidism, both can be the case. The cat feels unwell and doesn't groom as much as usual, but her coat is also oilier than normal, so it attracts dirt that causes matting. Hyperthyroidism also causes weight loss. You will see these same symptoms with diabetes. Both are very common in cats over 10 years old. Even something as simple as arthritis can cause it to be too painful to groom properly, but this doesn't explain the weight loss. Blood and urine tests should be run to check kidney and liver values, as well as blood sugar and thyroid levels. These, along with blood cell counts, will paint a picture of her health and help determine why she may be losing weight and matting so easily.

Best wishes,