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My cat is in Labor


QUESTION: Hey My Cat Is In Labor pain
She Is Not Staying Still Why is that?
She Keeps Licking Her Private Part Why Is That?
She Is Meowing A lot why is that?
What Stage Is She In?
She Is Purring A Lot!
When Will She Give Birth?
She Is Having Contractions Right Now!
:) Thank You!

All the things you describe are normal behaviors for a cat in labor. Try not to worry, mother nature will look after things.

the only time you may need to get involved is if your cat is pushing for hours and nothing is happening , or your cat seems to be in distress, or if a kittens gets stuck. In which case a vet needs to see her. However these things are very rare.

Hope all is well by now

best wishes Kate

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: well What stage she might be in?
and when will she deliver?

Sounds like the early stage. Labor can take hours and if she has more than one kitten there may be several hours between each kitten.

Please see this page which has a video on it about cat birth which you may find of help


best wishes Kate