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Hair on my Cat


Hi I have a 14 year old cat and she seems to be fine! She eats and drinks regular and goes to her cat box but my concern is the hair on her back seems to be stiff and I fine small chunks of it on the floor! Can I get something to put on it or do you think I should take her to the Vet! I am on a fixed income and hoping to find something to put on it! Can you help? Thanks

if you dont feed her wet catfood try two cans a week. it could just be dry skin. if that doesnt work or you are already giving her wet food, just call the vet, but dont let them talk you into bringing her in.

if her skin isnt broken or sore, try putting vaseline on her skin to moistureize it. remember, you can only put things on a cats skin that is ok for them to lick.
rub it in good before you let her down. she will most likely lick most of it off otherwise.