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Jealous Kitty


Norm, you recently helped me with my kitty Zoey a Siamese that has been attacking our guests when they come over. I have another question where her jealously of our our kitten Simba is concerned. He is about 6 months younger than her and we have had him for about 4 months. Zoey is extremely jealous of Simba. I do not blame her due to the fact that Simba is very dominant. When Zoey has toys, Simba always takes them away. When we give Zoey treats, Simba will try to eat them. We scold Simba, but to know avail this just seems to be his personality. What can we do to help Zoey fill loved and just as important as Simba?? What can we do to stop Simba from be so dominate?? Is it that Zoey is a girl and Simba a boy?


There are two rules I use when dealing with cat inter-relationships: (1) No human interference (it tends to be counter productive) and (2) Humans do not understand how cats relate to each other.

How the cats decide their pecking orders is a mystery to us humans.  The best we can do is to accept how they want to get along and leave them to it.  Scolding will not change a thing (just make Simba wary of you).  If Zoey is willing to accept the relationship, why should we change it.

Cats are not people and do not see the world the same way as we do.  If Simba dominates Zoey, part of that is Zoey's complicity in that type of relationship.  I would not change a thing.

What you might try doing, is giving Simba some quiet time with you in a room by yourselves and give her extra treats.  However, if overtures to Simba were to have been made to make her feel as "loved" as Simba, it should have happened as soon as Simba were brought home.  Now, I am not sure either cat sees it the way you do.

BTW, being male or female tends to have little to do with who dominates whom in any feline relationship.

In summary, all will go best if you accept how Zoey and Simba have decided to interact with one another.

Best regards... Norm.