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My 2 cats cant stop fighting...


hi, it me again. this is my 2nd question. are there any other way for me to prevent them from keep fighting? like, put in cage 1 of them with their own kitten? because this the only thing that i can think now.tomorrow i will go to work & there will no 1 will watch them. are there any other solution for my problem?


What do you mean by the cats fighting?  Are they drawing blood?  Cats, as I have, no doubt, said before, have very, very tough skin, so, often, biting/scratching behaviors can be a sign of rough play or affection. If rough play, there can be much loud posturing.  

If one has not really hurt the other, I would let them run together and ignore the noise.

I am not sure there really is a problem. We humans tend to interpret cat behavior in our terms and, therefore, are often mistaken about what is going on.

The more you keep them separated, the less likely they are to get along.  You also need to give them many weeks or even months to work things out.

Please let me know what you think.

Best regards... Norm.