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Bully kittie

20 16:44:55

I have had my two cats (Bonny and Clyde) for a few years, they were rescued together by the shelter and I didn't want to separate them.  While Bonny only likes her brother, Clyde, Clyde usually gets along with all.  That is until my new roommate moved in.  She brought with her a 6-month-old kitty that immediately started hissing at my cats.  Bonny seems unaffected and simply walks by the hissing kitty.  I guess she figured out the cat is all hiss and no scratch.  However, my much larger and cowardly male cat simply runs and hides.  The new kitty has figured this out and has become a bully.  Not actually attacking Clyde but chasing him around hissing and growling, (and there is nothing playful about it) when ever he tries to leave my room.  I would prefer to isolate the new cat in her own room, however there is no place to isolate her in my small apartment other than my very hot, hot water closet.  Not to mention she whines so loudly and profusely when caged or locked in the bathroom the neighbors complain.  So now my poor sweet Clyde refuses to leave from underneath my bed and only sneaks into my bathroom for some food and to use the litter box.  So now I have this little scrawny cat bullying around a much bigger cat.  This has been going on for a week, and Clyde barely eats unless his sister comes and stands guard for him.  So far I have tried spraying the offending cat with water gun every time, yet this doesn't seem to slow her down, enough to make difference.  I am not quite sure what to do; both the bully and Clyde have made friends with several other cats before they moved into together.  Maybe I giving the new cat to much credit, but it seems she trying to compensate from the complete lack of regard Bonny gives her.  While Clyde barely leaves my bed Bonny makes a point to help herself to the new cats food and litter box.  So for now I am making sure they all have trimmed nails, but this can't go on indefinitely, and I am stuck with this roommate for the next six months because of a lease.  Please help.  Oh yeah I have tried combining vinegar and water in the water gun and yet the cat still insists on chasing Clyde.

Hi Jared,

First of all, do not combine vinegar and water in the spray bottle, just plain water will do.  The situation sounds a lot like mine, I just moved in with a roommate this summer and my two cats and her one cat fight like crazy, but over the summer things have calmed down a bit.  It will get better with time.... meanwhile, I would put food and water under the bed for your male cat so he won't get sick from mal-nourishment.  I know this is a hard situation, but keep spraying the bully cat each time you catch her being bad to Clyde, and in time things will settle down.  Good luck, and write again if you have further questions...  Barb