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Cry for Attention?


My cat keeps meowing for no reason. He meows when a door is closed or just when he's in the hallway. When we give him attention he acts as if he doesn't want it. I'm sure he doesn't have any ailments, but I am wondering what is wrong with him. any clue?


Your vet should examine your kitty just to confirm that all is well. There are some medical conditions that can cause a cat to become more vocal and they should be eliminated first. If the medical tests come back normal then I would think that your kitty is just worried about where you go when the door closes. If this is a kitten playing off excess energy before bed may help. If your cat is older they may be more forgetful and are just trying to remember where they left you last. There is also the possibility of a degree of anxiety when your kitty is separated from you. If separation anxiety is the cause you can try burning off excess energy through interactive play. You can also try a homeopathic remedy called Bach's Rescue Remedy. This remedy is a mixture of several flower essences and it is designed to calm anxiety. I would suggest that you try Rescue Remedy (which can be purchased in health food/natural health stores) at a dosage of 6-8 drops each morning in fresh water. If anxiety is the root of the problem you should see a signifigant improvement reasonably quickly. I hope that this information offers a starting point. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.