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dryer accedent/food poisoning


My cat was in the dryer for 10 min. She's had tremors,not eating/sleeping, drinking water only,walking,not meowing or purring, light orange vomit(with hair)And before the dryer accident she threw up.I think she ate something with honey in it from out the garbage.She's an indoor cat.Doesn't go outside (not unless she needs to go to the vet).I fear she might die any time now please give me any possible answers and solutions.
P.S:I don't have enough money to go to a vet,hottline,I need all of the help you can give me.Pleasssse!I love my cat very much and I don't want her to die!!These may be her last hurs!contact me ASAP!!!

My heart goes out to you, but this isn't the kind of problem I can help with under these conditions. The only thing I can suggest is taking her temperature (rectally) -- if it is in normal range (101 to 103) she may be coming out of shock from the dryer and her body temperature normalizing. If it is over 103, you might try wetting a towel, putting it in the freezer for a few minutes and wrapping her in it to try to bring her temperature down. You could also run to the drugstore and get some unflavored Pedialyte solution and try to give her some in a syringe (put it into the corner of her mouth.,)

But if her temp is low (under 101 ) or significantly above 103, her only hope is a vet and there is nothing you can do at home. I'm really sorry I can't offer anything more.
