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female cat spraying


I have 2 female cats who have both been spayed.  One of my cats has always sprayed in the house - I have tried various products - including feliway plug in.  She has her own bed in her own space and gets lots of attention from me.  Im at my wits end she's ruined things in the house and in afraid to buy anything new. Help!!


My first recommendation is that you use an enzymatic cleaner to clean anywhere this cat may have urinated. An enzymatic cleaner works by using good bacteria to destroy the components of organic substances like urine, blood, vomit and feces that cause odor and stains. I would also recommend that you speak with your veterinarian about a referral to an animal behaviorist. A behaviorist can help you to modify your cat's naughty behavior so that she is peeing in the litter box not all around the house. Another option that your vet will likely discuss with you is the use of medication to help with this process. The medications used are typically human anti-anxiety/anti-depressant drugs. These medications do have risks and side effects. I do think that in this very extreme case it may be a good idea to use this tool along with an animal behaviorist to get your kitty back on track. I am not sure how long this has been going on, but it sounds as though this is a long standing ongoing issue, having said that I do believe that an animal behaviorist and the use of a medication prescribed by your vet are a good way to go. All in all it sounds like you have tried most of the products that are readily available and it is time to ask for the professionals with expertise in treating behavioral issues to help you to change your cat's behavior. I hope that you have found this information helpful. If you have any further questions or concerns or you would like to send an update my way, please don't hesitate to contact me again.