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post-natal discharge in cats


I have a stray cat that I took in.  She had her litter the night before last.  All 6 of the kittens seem to be doing fine.  My question is pertaining to the mother.  She is having a bloody discharge today.  It may be normal, but it is a pretty large amount.  I didn't notice very much of this yesterday, so I am concerned about the amount that is visible today.  One time, when she sat down, it pooled underneath here.  It is not totally blood.  It is sort of clear.  When I wipe it up, it looks pink on the towell.  She acts like she feels just fine.  I just want to make sure that this is a naromal thing.  Thank you!!!

Hi Lori.  Congrats on the babies!  Some bloody discharge is normal for a few days after delivery, and it's good that it's sort of diluted and doesn't seem to contain large amounts of blood.  Clear discharge is not of much concern.  Any thick pudding or pus-like discharge IS a concern, because it could indicate a uterine infection, and should be brought to the attention of a vet immediately.  Old blood may continue to pass for several more days, and you will know it's "old" because it will be dark in color.  If the blood continues to be bright red for another day or two, then I would get her to a vet to have a blood count done.  If her red blood cell count is down, this could indicate she's bleeding internally and may need emergency treatment to repair damage she could have suffered during delivery.