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Cats and Mice


I currently have mice in my house for the first time ever, brave sassy ones that come out in the light even with the cats around. While I'm working to solve this problem, I'm worried that the cats will catch and/or eat one of them.  How much of a danger is there of my cats catching a disease or being bitten or otherwise harmed by the mice in my house?  I know cats are the natural predators of mice, but I also know mice can sometimes carry disease.  Do I need to worry?  The cats are up to date on their shots.  Thanks!

Hi Lynn,

If your cats are up on their shots then don't worry. And the most likely scenario is that they will kill and play with the mice rather than eat it. The only thing you have to worry about if they do eat mice is if you are pregnant. Cats who eat a diet of raw mice have a good chance of passing Toxoplasmosis, (which they get from the mice), onto you from their feces if you are pregnant. And that's only if you handle their waste with your hands. Other than that, don't worry. Let the cats do their thing and get rid of the mice in your home. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen