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spaying maine coon cat


Hello   I hope you will be able to help me.  My pure-bred Maine Coon was born Sept. 21, 2008.  Breeder says - do not spay until 8-12 months as Maine Coons mature later than other breeds.

My vet wanted to do it at 4 mos.  Today he called again and said no longer than 5 months.  

Breeder said she would compromise her thinking and ok to spay at 7 mos.

I am beside myself.  I want to do the right thing.  Thank you!


In all breeds, the best time to spay is before their first season.

Is it in your sales contract that you cannot spay until 8 months of age?

If not, go ahead and have her spayed.

If so, I am afraid you should honor your contract, because, if you do not, and something should come up, you have no recourse.

You can always see if your vet and your breeder will split the difference and both compromise at 6 months.

Although it is true that Maine Coons are slow developing, individual females have been known to come into a first season pretty early.

You can check out the following web sites:

Best regards... Norm.