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Sad about leaving


Do cats notice when you are gone for a long time and wonder if you won't return?  My cats were left alone a lot by their former owner who then died. They were alone again for a longer period of time.  We wonder if they will be worried we won't return?


As a rule cats are very practical creatures.  They will have some separation anxiety if you are gone for a long period of time.  However, after a couple of weeks, they tend to get on with their lives.

When they have new owners, they have to get used to having people around again and will have to get used to your schedules.  Cats get very adept at making the best of any situation and tend not to worry about long absences.  They seem to have a different sense of time then we do.

I wish we really understood how they deal with long absences, but, the truth is, we only know they seem to be able to adjust stoically to almost any situation.

Best regards... Norm.