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Cat in Heat with a little blood in her stool



Millie Moo
Hi, I have a 5 month old female kitten called Millie and she came into heat for the first time yesterday.  Today I have just cleared up a poop from the litter tray and there was a little blood in it and it was softer then usual.  Is this normal for a kitten in heat?  She is booked to be spayed on 7th February, should we question this then with the vet or should we check into it before then? Thanks for your time reading my mail - I am very worried for our little one, I have tried to ring the vet but they are closed, and only taking emergency calls, but I don't know whether this is an emergency?  Millie has eaten okay today and she has drunk water.  :-)

Hi Clare,

Cute kittie! This is something to keep an eye on. It is not a life threatening emergency though. There are a few reasons for this. It could be from worms, colitis, or a bacterial infection. See if she does it again. Also get a sample of her stool to the vet to run tests on it. He should be able to find out what the problem is. Sometimes cats have this from the food they eat. Call your vet Monday and talk to him. He will be able to take care of Mollie for you. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen