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Tweeks eyes


Now, I know cats have a third eyelid for protection. My cats come out really far and only started doing this a while ago. They are not red. just white with a black line. They aren't like grown over the pupil or anything. It doesn't seem to bother him. but this morning he woke up with goop in them. I am planning on taking him to the vet, I just want to know if there might be anything I could do that might fix them?

Hi Melissa.  It could be that Tweek has a little touch of conjunctivitis - which is a really technical word for a little eye infection.  Easily treated by eye drops, no so easily given to the cat.  :)  If there were 'eye bogies' as I call them, just make sure that with a clean hand or cloth you wash the eyes (warm water always helps) and make sure you get him to the vet as soon as you can to clear the infection up.  SOmetimes just the wiping of the eyes with a warm cloth will help to open up that third eyelid, but if it's an infection then he'll definitely need meds.

Good luck!